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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Third Day at School

Yesterday was worst then the first day. Dhiyaa cried all the time, and she even got pup and pee on her pant. Her daddy started to worried about her.
But today, something make me better because there are not only Dhiyaa who is crying but almost half of the class are crying desperately. More surprisingly. I just find out that Dhiyaa is the youngest at her class. Well she just 2,5 years at the moment. So Daddy, no need to worried. This is the normal condition, as the principal said there even kids having 3 months crying moment.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Second day at school

OK now is the second day for Dhiyaa to attend school. When arrived at schooll this morning, she was so excited to see the playground and wanted to play directly. But then I recommended her to put her bag first at class first and asked for permission. After put her bag and get the permission, soon she left me all alone and went to the playground....what a kid...

When it was time to enter the class, there when she started to cry and call for me. I was so sad to see this, but then I had to leave her alone with her teachers and friends. I took a look for her an half an hour later and guess what...she was still crying. OK maybe it takes more then one or two days for her to get used to with the surrounding. I just hope she can make it before my annual leave finish by this week.

How about yesterday? When I picked her up at 11.30 she was crying for me in the line. But when she got into the car she started to calm down. When she about to take a nap then she started to recall what she was been doing for the last 3 hours at school. She realized that she cried at school. Hope today will be better.

Monday, July 14, 2008

First Day at School

Saat ini Bunda sedang duduk di coffee corner Binus School Serpong. Baru saja Bunda antar Dhiyaa masuk ke kelasnya. Ya...hari ini adalah hari pertama Dhiyaa masuk sekolah. Mungkin saking nervous nya semalam Dhiyaa tidur sampai ngigau sekolah. Ayah dan Bunda sengaja membuat Dhiyaa merasa senyaman mungking hari ini, biar Dhiyaa gak takut.
Dhiyaa berangkat sekolah dengan menggunakan antar jemput mobil, yang amazingly cuma nganter Dhiyaa seorang. Karena itu Ayah Bunda memutuskan bahwa Dhiyaa harus ditemani selama anter jemput ini. First candidate is Eyang kung.
Pagi ini setelah mandi dan sarapan, Dhiyaa berangkat kesekolah bareng Bunda dan Eyang Kung. Selama seminggu ini Bunda akan ngurus Chaperone card baru supaya Ey. ang Kung bisa punya akses untuk antar jemput Dhiyaa.
Sampai di Sekolah, sebagaimana Bunda perkirakan Dhiyaa gak mau salaman sama siapa pun, maunya dekat-dekat Bunda terus. Dari pintu gerbang sampai kelas, gak ada yang dikasih senyum. Bunda antar Dhiyaa sampai Dhiyaa taruh tasnya di posisi yang sudah ditentukan. Bunda minta Dhiyaa untuk duduk disamping temannya, dan Bunda bilang ke Dhiyaa kalau Bunda mau urus Chaperone Card dulu keluar. Dhiyaa cuma diam tidak bergerak, tapi cukup bagus karena Dhiyaa tidak menangis. Dilihat dari jendela kaca pun Dhiyaa tetap masih diam saja.
Akhirnya Bunda memutuskan untuk segera mengurus masalah kartu akses. And now I'm here sitting in the corner of coffee shop waiting for my daugther. Hope you can enjoy inside there Dhiyaa.

Nervous Mom.