Alasan Dhiyaa harus cuti dari Keenkids terlebih karena Ayah Bunda ingin punya waktu dengan Akhyaar yang sudah lebih dulu dirumah. Dengan dia cuti dari Keenkids, Ayah Bunda bisa lebih siangan berangkat ke kantor...dan pulangnya juga bisa lebih cepat.
Terus terang Ayah Bunda sedih juga waktu mengambil keputusan ini, karena Dhiyaa selama di Keenkids perkembangannya sangat bagus...terutama sekali lebih kelihatan mandiri. Dan disana (KK) dia setiap harinya main dengan lebih dari 25 anak balita, jadi pastinya Dhiyaa tambah senang banget.
Ayah Bunda berdoa semoga langkah yang Ayah Bunda ambil ini tidak salah. Tentunya Ayah Bunda lebih extra hati-hati mengawasi kedua BS dirumah, dan juga mesti rajin-rajin ngecek kerumah berhubung dirumah hanya ada BSs dan Hamim Juniors. Semoga Allah selalu melindungi mereka berdua. Amin
Karena di Keenkids seminggu sekali Dhiyaa sudah pasti dapat jadwal berenang, sekarang Ayah Bunda harus rajin juga ngajak Dhiyaa berenang di komplek. And guess what....sekarang Dhiyaa makin berani nyebur ke air...sudah lebih berani dari Bunda yang memang gak bisa berenang :P
Akhyaar yang tambah senang karena jadi sering main sama kakaknya.
Money is very tight now.. [4] It often happens that a dream is told incompletely, and that a recollection of the omitted portions appear only in the course of the analysis.. Personally, I have had no real anxiety dream for decades, but I recall one from my seventh or eighth year which I subjected to interpretation about thirty years later.. Eventually he recognized them more readily than I.. When dat railroad buy my lan' I laid off to pay fur dem mules.. And nice people were all we wanted to make us happy in Mr.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after we've called on her.. Another echo of your dream. You know my grandfather Titbottom was a West Indian.. Anyways, I've got my opinion and I'll risk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.. This process of reproduction partly explains the wavering statements, of a peculiar vagueness, in so many elements of the dream.. Three or four only, said Mr.. Major Talbot betrayed some interest.. Well, now, that's suthin' like.. The first comparison leads us at once to an example taken from the chapter on The Dream-Work (trimethylamine in the dream of Irma's injection).. Nothing the matter, Gideon, is there? Not feeling sick or anything? No, Misteh Stuhk; no, seh.. But exclamations and castigations had no effect upon the horse.. Really, I can't stand this! Just stop a minute, William, and let me get out.. All was not yet lost. Disappointed, bewildered, cut to the quick, yet as much in love as ever, he could only in bitter silence turn over in his thoughts the issue of his cherished dream; now persuading himself that Ellen's denial was the effect of a sudden bashfulness, now inveighing against the fickleness of the sex, as all men do when they are angry with any one woman in particular...
wah akhirnya...pake BS juga yah
2 anak 1 BS yah?
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